What is Dirty Casting?

Dirty Casting is Studio Shim's signature making style. Much of the work produced at Studio shim used the Slip Casting method of creating forms in clay and is the process commonly used in industrial ceramics for its precision and reliability for creating repeat forms. We like to punk things up at Studio Shim and go against convention. So we disrupt the casting process to make each cast unique.

Mould Characteristics

We create all our own unique slip casting moulds from master originals here at Studio Shim. Slip casting moulds made from plaster usually have a casting life, that is, a set number of casts being made before the mould deteriorates past the point of use. Here at Studio Shim we love an old mould thats full of its own character and history. In fact, we dont think a mould even starts to get intersting until youve cast from it 20 times and dropped it on the floor half a dozen times!

Casting Characteristics

Convention dictates that casting slip be smooth, poured evenly and drained carefully from the mould. But Studio Shim makers actually prefer working with casting slip thats a little chunky, and we inject the slip into the mould hard to cause all sorts of unique features to the cast. It isnt unknown for a finger to be stuck inside the filled mound and wiggle it about a bit to disrupt the surface. When it comes to emptying the mould, we do that fast, which causes suction of the cast from the surface of the mould, further distorting the cast. 

Loving Those Seams

Once cast, each Dangleberry is altered and modelled to make each one totally unique. As well as giving each one those adorable features, we also like to retain as much from the casting process too. So mould seams, ruptures, air bubbles, suction distortion and rips in the clay are all retained but are smoothed just enough to make sure your Dangleberries have no sharp edges. Remember everyone, difference is normal!

Now take me to the Dangleberry Store!